Community-level Data
This documentation page contains information about each community-level data file currently available for analysis. Information including data collection date, methods, sample characteristics, reporting period, and topics measured is provided for each data file. Research published using the data are listed here, with links to the full citation. Codebooks, questionnaires, and instruments can be downloaded from this page. A link to where the data file is archived and availability of online analysis is also provided.
Healthpost History, Restricted-Use - DS8
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
1995 |
1953-1997 | History of all health services including: years operation, days of service per week, hours of service per day, number of staff, number of rooms and related facilities, contraceptive methods available, costs of contraceptive methods, association with mobile sterilization camps, other family planning programs/services offered, maternal and child health programs/services offered |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 2, Health Post History, Restricted-Use - DS24
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
2005 |
1995-2005 | Same measures as Health Post History Time 1 (DS8) plus: more detailed information about patient exam services available each day, number of ambulances and health check up rooms, more detailed information about staff; and more detailed information about the types of services offered |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4358 | Not available |
School History, Restricted-Use - DS17
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
1995 |
1954-1994 | History of all schools including: location, date school opened and description of how it opened, public or private status, highest and lowest grades of instruction offered, number of classrooms, number of teachers, number of female teachers, number of students, tuition and fees for grades 1 and 10, type of general curriculum, language of instruction, inclusion of family planning in curriculum, number of female students in hostel, number of teachers with bachelor’s degree or higher |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 2, School History, Restricted-Use - DS23
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
2006 |
1995-2005 | Same measures as School History Time 1 (DS17) plus: whether school has pre-primary classes, number of students and number of female students in pre-primary class, whether school has day care, number of pre-primary instructors; number of indigenous and female indigenous students; number of low caste Hindu and low caste Hindu female students enrolled, number of students eligible to take and number who pass the SLC exam; whether school has morning assembly, computer education, health classes, and population and environment classes; number of administrative staff; whether building is permanent or temporary; number of classrooms; number of offices; number of library rooms |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Neighborhood History, Restricted-Use - DS14
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
1995 |
1953-1996 | Access to electricity, schools, health services, bus services, grain mills, agricultural cooperatives, dairies, markets, banks, employment opportunities, small farmers’ development programs, women’s groups, youth groups, temples, and police stations in each neighborhood |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 2, Neighborhood History, Restricted-Use - DS22
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
2004 |
1996-2004 | Same measures as Neighborhood History Time 1 (DS14) plus accessibility of: agrovet services, movie theaters, video shops, cable, telephone services, internet and e-mail, postal and exdel services, computer training, language training, saw mills, poultry farms, concrete block factories, bike maintenance services, motor bike and motor maintenance services, proximity of tourist hotels, and access to temples, monasteries, mosques, and churches | Axinn et al. 1997 (“The Neighborhood History Calendar”) | (PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 1, 2, and 3 Neighborhood History Data, Restricted-Use - DS36
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
1996-2014 | Access to electricity, schools, health services, bus services, grain mills, ambulance services, agricultural cooperatives, dairies, markets, banks, employment opportunities, agrovet services, movie theaters, video shops, mobile shops, cable, telephone services, internet and e-mail, postal and exdel services, computer training, language training, saw mills, poultry farms, money transfer service, concrete block factories, bike maintenance services, motor bike and motor maintenance services; proximity of tourist hotels; access to temples, monasteries, mosques, and churches; small farmers’ development programs, women’s groups, youth groups, temples, and police stations in each neighborhood | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 1-3 Land Use Data, Restricted-Use - DS20
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
N/A | Area within neighborhood of common land, multiple types of agricultural land, and other land uses (e.g. household residences, schools, temples, mills, roads, and waterways) |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Time 1, 2, and 3 Flora Survey Data, Restricted-Use - DS30
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
N/A | Plot type, plot location, plant density, species richness, biodiversity |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |
Neighborhood Distances, Restricted-Use - DS31
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
1996 |
Distance in meters from the south-western-most corner of each neighborhood to the closest school, healthpost, urban center, forest plot, and bus route |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4358 | Not available |
Community Forest, Restricted-Use - DS32
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
2009 |
1995-2009 | Location, area, and perimeter of community forest areas, forest management systems, human effects on flora species diversity, history of community forest including: establishment history, conservation programs, income, expenditure, resource use patterns, benefit sharing and challenges of conserving the community forest |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4358 | Not available |
2019 Classroom Observation Data, Restricted-Use - DS53
Date of data collection | Methods | Sample | Retrospective reporting period | Topics | Publications | Codebooks | Questionnaires/ Instruments | Archive | Analysis online |
2019 | Unannounced classroom observation |
2019 |
(PDF) | (PDF) | ICPSR 4538 | Not available |