How is the CVFS funded?
The CVFS is supported by multiple grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, along with grants from the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Department for International Development and Economic and Social Research Council, and Michigan’s Population Studies Center.
How can I start analyzing CVFS data?
Public-use data files are available for immediate download and/or online analysis on the ICPSR website. Access to restricted-use data files requires an application and approval process administered by ICPSR. Step-by-step instructions are available here.
How long will it take to obtain CVFS restricted-use data from ICPSR?
ICPSR’s review process typically takes between 2-4 weeks.
Do I need my Institutional Review Board (IRB) to approve my research project to obtain CVFS restricted-use data?
Yes, ICPSR requires you to upload your IRB’s approval as part of the online application process.
How do I cite CVFS data?
CVFS reminds data users to cite the data using the ICPSR citation and acknowledge our funding source in all publications using the data.
ICPSR 4538 Citation:
Axinn, William G., Thornton, Arland, Barber, Jennifer S., Murphy, S. A. (Susan Allbritton), Ghimire, Dirgha J., Fricke, Thomas E. (Thomas Earl), … Massey, Douglas S. Chitwan Valley Family Study: Changing Social Contexts and Family Formation, Nepal, 1996-2008. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2018-06-25. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR04538.v22
ICPSR 4538 Acknowledgement:
The collection of data used in this study was supported in part by the National Institutes of Health under grant numbers R01 HD032912, R01 HD033551, R56 HD085284, R56 MH110872, and R01 MH110872, and the National Science Foundation under award number OISE 0729709.
ICPSR 36755 Citation:
Ghimire, Dirgha J., Axinn, William G., Bhandari, Prem B., Bhandari, Humnath, and Thornton, Rebecca. Chitwan Valley Family Study: Labour Outmigration, Agricultural Productivity and Food Security, Nepal, 2015. Ann Arbor, MI: Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], UK Data Service [distributor], 2018-05-10. https://doi.org/10.3886/ICPSR36755.v5
ICPSR 36755 Acknowledgement:
The collection of data used in this study was supported by the Economic and Social Research Council (United Kingdom) (ES/L012065/1).
Why does the number of CVFS sample neighborhoods change from 171 to 151?
Who is considered a “resident” of CVFS households?
A “resident” is defined as someone who ate and slept in the household for more than half the time during the previous six months at the time of data collection.
What is the CVFS household registry?
The household registry collects information about all households within the 151 CVFS sample neighborhoods. Beginning in February 1997, interviewers visited each household to obtain monthly updates on births, deaths, marriages, divorces, pregnancies, and changes in living arrangements and household composition. The registry includes all individuals in all households within the selected 151 neighborhoods during the months they remained in those 151 neighborhoods. The household registry data collection is ongoing.
How often are household registry data collected?
Beginning in February 1997 (month 1), households were interviewed monthly through month 39. At month 40 interviews were conducted every 3 months, and at month 194 every 6 months, but the data collected remained precise to the month. Today, CVFS interviewers continue to visit households every 6 months to update the registry.
Does the household registry track people who move?
Yes, information about individuals who participated in the 1996 individual interview with life history calendar was collected regardless of whether and where the individual moved. At month 31 individuals who no longer lived in the sample neighborhood and had not participated in the 1996 individual interview with life history calendar were no longer followed. All other residents of the households were followed until at least 2008. In 2008, the CVFS sample was refreshed to ensure representation of the population of Chitwan. In that year new residents of the CVFS neighborhoods were added to the registry and whole households residing outside of the 151 sample neighborhoods were dropped from the registry. To be dropped, an entire household had to no longer reside within the 151 CVFS sample neighborhoods for a period greater than 3 months. In 2016, the CVFS sample was refreshed again, however, no households were dropped.
What happens when a household member dies?
The household registry continues to follow all living members of the household across time independent of their relationship to the person who died. The registry always includes the data of the death (accurate to the month), the relationship of the person who died to all other household members, and the demographics (i.e., age, gender, marital status, migration status, educational enrollment) of all other people in the household. Every individual who died can be linked to 50+ years of community history data about services available nearby. Those who died in households that had been in previous CVFS data collections (household surveys, individual surveys, or child health surveys) can be linked to household data or data on other members of the household. Individuals who died and had been between the ages of 15-59 during 2016-18, 2008, and/or 1996 can also be linked to detailed individual-level data from these prior surveys.
What is CVFS calendar data?
The CVFS uses event history calendars to measure details of changes over time in the local community, including CVFS sample neighborhoods, and the schools and healthposts within the neighborhoods. Event history calendars are also used to collect full life histories from CVFS respondents who participate in individual interviews (1996, 2008, and 2016-18).
How do you merge CVFS individual-, household-, and community-level data files?
The CVFS ID structure enables the merging of data files across and within levels. The current structure is a 9 digit ID for individuals where the first 3 digits represent the neighborhood ID, the next 3 digits represent the household ID, and the last 3 digits identify the individual within the household. Prior to 2008, the CVFS used a 7 digit ID structure, with 2 digit household and individual IDs. Thus, an ID conversion is required to merge older files with files collected in 2008 and onwards. See the webinar “Linking Data within the CVFS and Beyond” for further details about the CVFS ID structure (past and current), and merging CVFS data files across and within levels.
What happens to a respondent ID when an individual moves to a different household?
The CVFS ID structure is a 9 digit ID for individuals where the first 3 digits represent the neighborhood ID, the next 3 digits represent the household ID, and the last 3 digits identify the individual within the household. The 9 digit ID for an individual does not change when they move to a different household. Only the household ID for the individual changes. The household ID is a 6 digit ID where the first 3 digits represent the neighborhood ID and the next 3 digits represent the household ID. See the webinar “Linking Data within the CVFS and Beyond” for further details about the CVFS ID structure (past and current), and merging CVFS data files across and within levels.