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Changing Attitudes Toward Care of Aging Parents: The Influence of Education, International Travel, and Gender

Publication Abstract

Compernolle, Ellen. 2015. “Changing Attitudes Toward Care of Aging Parents: The Influence of Education, International Travel, and Gender.” International Journal of Sociology 45(1):64-83.

Population aging is a key public health issue facing many countries, and is particularly pronounced in many Asian countries. At the same time, attitudes toward filial obligation are also rapidly changing, with a decreasing sense that children are responsible for caring for elderly parents. This investigation blends the family versus nonfamily mode of social organization framework with a life course perspective to provide insight into the processes of ideational change regarding filial responsibility, highlighting the influence of education and international travel. Using data from a longitudinal study in Nepal—the Chitwan Valley Family Study—results demonstrate that education and international travel are associated with a decrease in attitudes toward filial obligation. However, findings further reveal that the effects of education and international travel vary across the life course and by gender.

DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2015.1005435

PMCID: PMC4389642